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Looking back & moving forward with the Romford Masterplan

Havering Council is committed to protecting and strengthening Romford Town Centre and the surrounding area, to make sure it continues to be a place that people live in, visit and enjoy. To do this, Havering Council is developing a new Masterplan to guide future development in the area and has invited residents, businesses and visitors to help to shape it.

Once adopted, the Masterplan will be an important local planning policy document defining an overarching vision for the place Romford should become. It will set out parameters for investment by the Council, landowners and developers and help set out a framework for deciding planning applications.

Since January 2019 we’ve gathered people’s priorities, ideas and aspirations for the area through our various engagement activities. Making sure this is a participatory and transparent process is something that we wanted to establish from as early on in the process as possible.

The first public exhibition was held in May, where some of the initial ideas and priority areas for the Masterplan were shared and additional feedback gathered on the emerging proposals. You can take a look at the content shared at the first exhibition here.

Those ideas have been developed further and you’ll have the opportunity to take a look at the plans and share your feedback with the team developing the Masterplan on Saturday 7 September, 9-6pm at the Liberty Shopping Centre (outside Marks and Spencer) in Romford.


Your Romford, Your Say

Over the course of Your Romford public engagement activities between January-July 2019, over 1,000 people told us the future they want to see for Romford at…

The views gathered from Havering residents, businesses, visitors, community groups and other key stakeholders have played an incredibly important role in helping us to shape an ambitious vision for the future of the town centre. A big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to share their views to date.

What happens next?

Pop along to the Your Romford public exhibition event on Saturday 7 September at the Liberty Shopping Centre, 9-6pm.

For anyone unable to attend, we will publish the exhibition content online after the event on 7 September. This will be the last public exhibition before the draft Masterplan is formally consulted on.

There are still a couple of stages left before the Masterplan becomes a Supplementary Planning Document, which will be undertaken in the coming months:

  • Last refinements to the draft Masterplan: Following the exhibition, final refinements will be made to the draft Masterplan.

  • Formal consultation on Masterplan: The Council’s Planning team will then carry out a formal consultation on the draft document. You will have the opportunity to review the full document and submit a response. The Council will then prepare a summary of these comments and how they have responded.

  • Adoption of Masterplan: Once approved by the Havering Cabinet, the Masterplan will become a piece of formal planning guidance.

Get in touch

Come along and speak to the team at the public exhibition on Saturday 7 September, 9-6pm at the Liberty Shopping Centre (outside Marks and Spencer) in Romford.

Otherwise, you can get in touch using this contact form.

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