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Havering Council is committed to protecting and strengthening Romford Town Centre and the surrounding area, to make sure it continues to be a place that people live, visit and enjoy.

We listened to your priorities, ideas and aspirations for Romford in 2019 to produce a Masterplan for the area. After a pause, we now want to get your feedback on a refreshed Masterplan so that we can adopt it as formal planning guidance.

You can read the outcome of the 2019 consultation here. Between Monday 08 April and Friday 03 May the refreshed Masterplan   was    available for comment online, now the survey is closed but you can still view the   refreshed Masterplan  here.



A Masterplan is a long-term planning document that outlines a vision to guid e growth and development of an area.  It isn't a detailed design or planning application, but is: 


  • a document that sets out how a particular area should develop and  in  the future

  • a high-level plan that sets out objectives and strategies to manage development and change over time 

  • a process that defines what is important about a place and how its character and quality can be protected and improved.


Your feedback will help shape a new Masterplan for Romford, which will guide future development in the town.

If you have any more questions about Your Romford, please get in touch :

#YourRomford is a project by Havering Council to create a Masterplan for the town centre and surrounding area.

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